$28.28 - $38.38
Sun Catchers with Healing Stones and Crystals

I love prisms.
I have been working with them for so many years I forget consistently to say it is a part of my spiritual practice to have prisms around- to give them as gifts and sell them- this is all important to me.
Anyhoo, prisms.
two sizes-
one golf ball size
four smaller by about a 1/4 inch
THESE all have a variety of lamp glass, crystal as well as features healing stones & crystals. They are one of a kind.
It's like a necklace for your window...
Image 1- LARGE prism with Green Agate square
Image 2- Medium prism with Honey agate
Image 3- with labradorate
Image 4- with faceted quartz
Image 5-banded agate