Scrub Down

All Natural Body Scrubs in a cute jar you can use later.
DON'T EAT, although you could...
seriously there's a reason it's called "cookie dough".
What's in it?
The base is literally sugar and coconut oil. I sourced some really great stuff (there's a lot of sugars out there- I stuck with sugar cane, vs beet or coconut for this round and I got a really "warm" feeling brown sugar) and the coconut is all raw, full bodied goodness. My twist on the cookie is the rose - rose petals you would use for tea ground and charged in my own special way.
From there I decided to make a second option-
Using the exact recipe for the "Rose Cookie Dough" I added in a fabulous Oat and Poppyseed mixed with a bit of lemon essential oil blended with a Tibetan Pink Salt + Raw Coconut Oil mix I created on the last full moon.
While the sugar and salts and oats are all finely ground- it is best to use this on your body- the elbows, feet, and knees. Be mindful if you use this in the shower to wipe the bottoms of your feet carefully if you've gotten it on there so you do not slip- it's basically oil based. You can also use this on your feet and then soak them in a foot bath- this way you don't have to worry about slipping in the tub.
The jar is 3oz and it's super cute
FOR NOW- two "flavors"-
Rose Cookie Dough
Oatmeal Lemon Sugar & Salt
ALL of my products are small batch, home made and infused with interdimensional light.