All Moon Salve

A very unique blend supercharged by the Full Moon's energy.
Great for dry skin and increasing the circulation a bit while also very comforting & soothing as the scent is on the "earthy" side.
Using all organic ingredients the blend is Beeswax, Shea Butter, vitamin e and some high grade Dragon's Blood fragrance oil with encoded & charged infused oils which are:
My special Golden Oil which is and infusion of Wild Harvested Pine Resin, Goldenrod and Sunflower Petals.
& Wooley Blue Curl California wild grown and harvested myself.
Coffee from Guatemala roasted down the street at my local San Francisco Beanery
Adorned with a dried Jasmin flower as a reminder to always look at the moon.
Available in tins-
(this does not have any extra shine in it- no mica like the moon oil which has a lot)